Lung nodule detection performance in five observers on computedtomography (CT) with adaptive iterative dose reduction usingthree-dimensional processing (AIDR 3D) in a Japanese multicenterstudy: Comparison between ultra-low-dose CT and low-dose CT byreceiver-operating characteristic analysisYukihiro Nagatania,∗, Masashi Takahashia, Kiyoshi Murataa, Mitsuru Ikedab,Tsuneo Yamashiroc, Tetsuhiro Miyarac,d, Hisanobu Koyamae, Mitsuhiro Koyamaf,Yukihisa Satog,h, Hiroshi Moriyai, Satoshi Nomaj, Noriyuki Tomiyamag,Yoshiharu Ohnoe, Sadayuki Murayamac, for the investigators of ACTIve study group
European Journal of Radiology 84 (2015) 1401.1412
滋賀医大の永谷先生の論文が European Journal of Radiologyに掲載されました。
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