

明確に描き分けられている子役の3人が秀逸。厳良(シー・ポンユェン)は父親を捜すため、普普(ワン・ションディー)は弟に治療を受けさせるため、養護施設を抜け出し、幼馴染の朱朝陽(ロン・ズーシャン)を頼って転がり込む。厳良は悪を憎む揺るぎない正義、朝陽は大人たちに気に入られたくて良い子になろうと揺れ動く不安と孤独、普普は二人を冷静に見つめジャッジする客観的視点。廃船を根城にするなど、男女3人の構成は冒険者たちだ。大人は判ってくれないや突然炎のようになどのフランス映画のヌーベルバーグの雰囲気。ホーム・アローンや侯孝賢 「冬冬の夏休み」など連想がつながってゆく。


(推理之王第2部)』『隠秘的角落』バッドキッズ」「長夜難明(推理之王第3部) ロングナイト(沉默的真相)」。
「バーニングアイス」 ゆきだるま殺人事件。捕まえてみろという挑発メッセージを残す連続殺人事件。静かに餌を待つ深海魚のように、一瞬のすきを狙ってガブリと一飲みする殺人者。小さなホツレが連鎖的な出来事に繋がっていく。
「バッドキッズ」 うまくいくはずだったのに・・・という惹句のとおり、悪たれ小僧たちの存在により、想定外の行動へ駆り立てられるサイコパスの情けなさと不気味さ。最初からやり直したい?。
「ロングナイト」 権力の腐敗への怒りをどのように行動で示すか? 正義と悪の境界線。選択をひとつ間違えるとどちらの側にもなり得るあやうさ。ゆきだるま事件のチームプレイ版。かけがえのない命と誇り。一つの出来事から過去と未来へストーリーが進んでいく構成の巧みさ。
シリーズ三部作を通して描かれているテーマはどれも一貫している。自分でできないのなら、どうするか? 三部作に共通する主人公あるいは狂言回しはイェン・リャンである。

Well-Crafted Drama

A common thread throughout the trilogy is the meticulous depiction of daily life, including food, clothing, and shelter. This attention to detail creates a vivid portrayal of real Chinese society and the lives of ordinary citizens. The absence of preconceived notions about the actors further enhances the realism and freshness of the performances. In contrast, many Japanese dramas and films seem to be pandering to sponsors and idol actors.

The story follows the summer experiences of three children. Their vibrant and sparkling personalities evoke a sense of nostalgia for NHK's "Boys Over Flowers" series. The 12-episode length is also similar.

The three child actors are brilliantly distinguished. Yan Liang (Shi Poyu) runs away from an orphanage to search for his father, Pu Pu (Wang Shondi) escapes to get medical treatment for his younger brother, and both seek refuge with their childhood friend Zhu Chaoyang (Ron Zuoxuan). Yan Liang embodies unwavering justice and a hatred for evil, while Chaoyang grapples with insecurity and loneliness, desperate to please adults and fit in. Pu Pu maintains an objective perspective, observing the other two and judging their actions. The trio's dynamic, with their abandoned ship as their base, resembles that of adventurers. The film's atmosphere echoes the French New Wave, reminiscent of "The 400 Blows" and "Sudden Flame." The film also draws parallels to "Home Alone" and Hou Hsiao-hsien's "Summer Holiday."

The main characters include two boys and three criminals, each with their own families and connections. The film carefully portrays these relationships, particularly Chaoyang's heartbreaking loss of many precious things during his one-summer ordeal.

The order of the original novels by Chinese crime writer Zi Jinchen is:

  • "No Evidence (The King of Reasoning Part 1) Burning Ice"
  • "Bad Kids (The King of Reasoning Part 2) The Hidden Corner"
  • "The Long Night (The King of Reasoning Part 3) Long Night (The Silent Truth)"

Burning Ice

A series of murders involving a snowman killer taunting the police with messages challenging them to catch him. The killer, like a deep-sea fish lurking in the darkness, waits for the perfect moment to strike, devouring his victims in one swift bite. Small missteps lead to a chain of events that spiral out of control.

Bad Kids

As the tagline suggests, "things were supposed to go smoothly..." The presence of mischievous kids drives a psychopath into unexpected actions, highlighting his pathetic and creepy nature. Does he want to start over?

Long Night

How does one express their anger against the corruption of power? The line between good and evil. The precariousness of choices that can lead to either side. A team-play version of the Snowman case. Irreplaceable lives and pride. The cleverness of the narrative structure, where the story unfolds from a single event into the past and future.

The themes explored throughout the trilogy are consistent. What do you do when you can't do it yourself? The common protagonist or narrator across the trilogy is Yan Liang.

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