JMP web セミナー
分析前後のJMPトリビア ~ データの読み込みから結果の共有 ~ 2020年9月4日(金)、23日(水)、10月8日(木)、26日(月)、11月10日(火) 17:30~各1時間のセミナーです。たいへん参考になります。
町山 智浩, 柳下 毅一郎著 ファビュラス・バーカー・ボーイズの地獄のアメリカ観光 (ちくま文庫) (日本語) 文庫 – 2013/11/6
タランティーノ論から、ディープなハリウッドゴシップ、猟奇事件ゆかりの地など、アメリカB級映画の話題が満載されており、先日見たばかりの「ワンスアポンアタイム イン ハリウッド」のモデルとなった邸宅や登場人物たちの写真なども見れる。
Deadlines to upload of electronic presentations for RSNA 2020
All Deadlines are @12:00 Noon Central (Chicago) Time
Education Exhibits (digital slide show format) - Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Quality Improvement Reports - Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Scientific Posters - Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Case of the Day - Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Refresher Courses - Friday, October 30, 2020
Ultra-high-resolution CT (UHRCT) as an Alternative Procedure to Gastric Cancer Screening
Ultra-high-resolution CT (UHRCT) as an Alternative Procedure to Gastric Cancer Screening
H Moriya, MD, Fukushima, Fukushima JAPAN; M Suzuki; K Hashimoto; S Muramatsu, RT; Y Kumasaka; S Tsukagoshi, PhD
Due to the pandemic spread of COVID-19, the number of cases where conventional medical diagnosis cannot be performed is increasing. For example, gastrointestinal endoscopy. Ultra-high-resolution CT (UHRCT) is capable of whole-body scanning with high-spatial solution of 0.15 mm. This resolution is approaching that of fluoroscopy, and it can be performed without contact with the patient's oral cavity. In this presentation, the accuracy of gastrointestinal diagnosis by UHRCT is presented.
1. Method of gastric examination using UHRCT: UHRCT (Aquilion precision, Canon Medical Systems) with SHR or HR mode was used. Deep learning reconstruction was used for noise reduction. The effervescent granules with a low quantity of water was applied for optimal gastric distention. 2. The shape of the gastric lumen could be displayed by a VR image with transparency. 3. MPR image clearly revealed stomach wall. 4. 3D-CTA revealed individual arteries and veins around the stomach. There were some cases that were able to visualize the vessel convergence of the gastric cancer. 5. Virtual gastroscopy clarified the localization of gastric lesion in the lumen like an actual endoscope. 6. UHRCT enabled the screening and assessment of gastric cancer without contact with the patient's oral cavity.
Respiratory Function Test Without Contact With the Subjecct Using Radiological Imaging Techniques
Respiratory Function Test Without Contact With the Subjecct Using Radiological Imaging Techniques
H Moriya, MD, Fukushima, Fukushima JAPAN; S Muramatsu, RT; K Hashimoto; M Suzuki; Y Kumasaka; Y Ohashi; Shinsuke Tsukagoshi.
Controlling the spread of COVID-19 infection has become a global issue. It has been known that COVID-19 spreads to surroundings during the asymptomatic stage, and it is required to reduce the chance of contact between people in daily life. The conventional respiratory function test causes the subject to make a large exhalation, which generate an aerosol. If asymptomatic COVID-19 patients are tested, there is a risk of spreading. Therefore, in this presentation, we will explain the respiratory function test using radiological imaging techniques that can be performed without touching the upper respiratory tract or exhalation of the subject.
1. Chest X-ray photograph: Total lung capacity can be estimated from inspiration images and residual volume can be estimated from expiration images. 2. Dynamic chest radiography: Ventilation and blood flow can be analyzed on the chest X-ray photograph. 3. Chest CT: LAA (low attenuation area) and bronchial wall thickening can be quantified. 4. Inspiration and expiration CT: LAA and bronchial wall thickening are revealed. Total lung capacity, residual volume, and vital capacity can be measured. 5. Whole-lung respiratory dynamic CT: Volume and CT-value measurement can be performed for each respiratory phase. This method can also perform local lung function analysis.
Bronchial Morphology Measurement Using Ultra-high-resolution CT Images
Bronchial Morphology Measurement Using Ultra-high-resolution CT Images
H Moriya, MD, Fukushima, Fukushima JAPAN; M Suzuki; S Muramatsu, RT; K Hashimoto; Y Kumasaka; S Tsukagoshi, PhD; Aminco, Inc: Daisuke Suto, Amin Co Ltd: Kingo Shichinohe.
Ultra-high-resolution CT (UHRCT) is a CT that achieves high spatial resolution by reducing the detector size to 1/4. In the previous studies, the bronchial visualization ability was superior compared with conventional HRCT (CHRCT). Especially in the 1 mm diameter bronchioles, 1/3 by CHRCT and 80% by UHRCT were visualized. Therefore, we present the bronchial visualization and the bronchial measurement method of UHRCT.
1. UHRCT: Aquilion Precision. SHR mode, matrix: 1024, 0.25 mm thickness. 2. Bronchial visualization of UHRCT: The shape of the bronchus with an inner diameter of 0.4 mm (11th to 18th) can be delicately depicted. UHRCT has a resolution that can clearly depict the bronchi in the lobule. 3. Bronchial morphology measurement: Workstation(Ziostation2). Using the 3D path function, a bronchial path from the segmental bronchial orifice to the target tumor was created. The following items were measurable. Distance from bronchial orifice to target tumor. Area and diameter of bronchial lumen. Main branch points (distance, branch angle, diameter). Direction of segmental bronchus. Direction of bronchus near the target. Number of involved bronchi. 4.Case presentation of peripheral lung tumor: Approximately 90% of 20 mm nodules were associated with bronchi. UHRCT significantly improved mapping accuracy for transbronchial guidance.
Black-Blood Lung MRI - Correlations of High-resolution MRI and Ultra-high-resolution CT Images
Black-Blood Lung MRI - Correlations of High-resolution MRI and Ultra-high-resolution CT Images
H Moriya, MD, Fukushima, Fukushima JAPAN; T Saito; Y Takahashi; S Muramatsu, RT; K Hashimoto; Y Kumasaka; Masahiro Suzuki, Motoharu Hokozaki, Philips NV: Masatoshi Honda, Canon Medical Systems Corporation: Shinsuke Tsukagoshi.
The clinical indications of MRI for lung cancer are limited due to the low proton density and fast signal decay of the lung parenchyma itself. However, pathological changes resulting in an increase of tissue are easily depicted. In addition, vessel and calcification do not interfere with lung field interpretation. This effect can be enhanced by suppressing the blood flow signal with black-blood sequence technique. Therefore, the purpose of this presentation is to show the current MRI image of lung parenchyma.
1. Equipment: Ingenia CX 3.0T(Philips Japan), UHRCT (Aquilion Precision, Canon Medical Systems, 0.25mm thickness, 1024x1024). 2. Sequence parameter: T2W TSE MV RT. 3. Evaluation of lung MRI: T2WI can depict lung lesions in the same shape as CT. T1WI and DWI can draw solid component. Improved visibility of lung lesions. Improved lesion detection. Clarification of interstitial changes Vessel and calcification do not interfere with lung field interpretation. Characteristic signals and associations with surrounding structures may provide diagnostic evidence. Differentiation between blood vessels and bronchial mucus plugs. Confirmation of blood vessels in the lesion. Blood vessel wall information on the lungs. 4. Case presentation.
moreCT! 2020御礼
moreCT! 2020御礼
最優秀演題 超高精細CTにおける面内のスライス形状評価 公立大学法人 福島県立医科大学附属病院 放射線部 齋藤将輝さん 「研究の内容をフォーマットに則り端的にまとめ、新たな知見を得ていることに対し」
特別賞 超高精細CTのMTF測定 一般財団法人 大原記念財団 大原綜合病院 末永稔明さん 「基本的な実験を指導者の下で行い、きちんと発表した新人としての将来性に対し」
moreCT!2020 特設ホームページ https://hrshmoriya.wixsite.com/morect/
英語抄録・口頭発表・論文作成虎の巻―忙しい若手ドクターのために 単行本 – 2006/4/17
上松 正朗 (著)
日本肺癌学会 第28回肺がん医療向上委員会 WEBセミナー
第28回肺がん医療向上委員会 WEBセミナー
日時:2020年9 月30日(水)18:00~19:30
主催:特定非営利活動法人 日本肺癌学会 後援:がん情報サイト「オンコロ」
司会:大泉聡史(肺がん医療向上委員会 委員長)
<講演> 「AIと病理」
講師:福岡 順也先生(長崎大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科生命医科学講座病理診断科学 教授)
感染症Webセミナー インフルエンザ・COVID-19 診療の最前線
10月5 日(月) 19:00~19:30に医師会共催 感染症WEBセミナーが開催されました。東北医科薬科大学の関 雅文教授の特別講演を拝聴しました。
インフルエンザ感染:気道粘膜損傷 細菌性肺炎の二次感染により重症化 上気道での感染潜伏期が1~3日 吸入薬が有効
COVID19:血管損傷・血管炎 肺水腫・血液凝固系障害により重症化 ソーシャルディスタンスにより予防可能(6フィート) 紙の上で数日感染力が持続 ゾーニングが効果的
第48回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会 会期:2020年9月11日(金)~10月4日(日)
シンポジウム1 ダイバーシティを考える 弘前大学の掛田教授のネットワークを使って異なる専門性を補完するというメッセージに納得できます。今回のようなweb開催は、様々な障害をネットワークを用いて超越できたよい経験だったと思います。
シンポジウム4 低線量CTが変える小児循環器診療 東大の前田先生 線量を影響を無視できる程度まで低減できつつある技術進歩について。ちなみに胸部単純エックス線写真のレベルが「無視できる程度の線量」とのこと。
シンポジウム5 AI/機械学習 阪大 木戸教授 山梨大学 玉田先生 CNNによる特徴抽出 U-netによる領域抽出 AIの優位性は、短時間に多量の経験ができること。制限時間が設けられている場合、ヒトより有利。
教育講演 骨腫瘍 東北大学 常陸先生 軟部病変 産業医大 青木先生。脂肪肝 広島大学 中村先生 肝MRIの基本 山梨大学 舟山先生。頸動脈壁 宮崎先生 東先生 頭蓋内血管壁 杏林大学 五明先生。足関節 東京歯科大 小橋先生 肩関節 八重洲クリニック 佐志先生。ASL小児 熊本大学 北島先生 主幹動脈閉塞 秋田循環器脳脊髄 木下先生。心臓ストレイン 杏林大学 横山先生。Bloch方程式 巨瀬先生 基本的撮像法 キャノン 金澤先生。子宮内膜症 奈良県立医大 丸上先生 前立腺癌 京都赤十字 山田先生。前縦郭腫瘍 佐賀大学 中園先生 中後縦郭腫瘍 名古屋市大 小澤先生。側頭骨 香川大学 三田村先生 眼窩疾患 東京慈恵医大 豊田先生。脾臓 京大 染矢先生 副腎 大阪赤十字 古田先生。AIの技術 キャノン 竹島先生 AIの臨床研究 放医研 立花先生。女性骨盤 倉敷中央 小山先生 男性骨盤 独協医大 楫先生。